Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Failure of Communism - 1655 Words
The failure of communism Communist had a long history during the 20th century, and communism was very influential. Almost all of Asia and East Europe became Communist. From the start of the theory then many civil wars in Russia affected the whole world. Communist defined the idea of itself in many different ways, it helps many nations came together formed a party fought wars, but it also made many countries became really poor, and the economy in most of the countries got pushed back about 10 years. Communism is an economic and political system that sought to create an egalitarian society; it collapsed because of personal interest and government’s corruption. Communism was first found by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the second half†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The class of the wholly property laws, who are obliged to sell their labor to the bourgeoisie in order to get in exchange, the means of subsistence for their support. This is class of the class of proletarians, or the proletariat.†As we know that â€Å"The communism is a theoretical statement of the conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat.†It is the doctrine of the liberation of the proletariat. There were no such labor and rich people cannot own any worker. In society everybody have his or her own farmland, but all the production is owned by the state. How much food each person will get is depending on how much food they contributed to the country. In the idea of communism everybody has to share, and there are no such individual secrets. All the people should have the same interests. According to the research few students at Stanford Universit y did, â€Å"in a communist society, the individual’s best interests are indistinguishable from the society’s best interest. Thus the idea of an individual freedom is incompatible with communist ideology. The reason to hold an individual speech and information rights would likely be met only in certain instances rather then across time. Making the default a lack of freedom.†Not only share and have same interest, they also share their benefit together. Communist focuses on the benefits to society instead of individual. All the land wasShow MoreRelatedThe Failure Of Communism And Communism965 Words  | 4 PagesHIST-130.10 22 April 2015 1. Discuss the seeming failure of communism and other forms of socialism and the apparent triumph of capitalism in the 1990s, as well as considering capitalism’s possible benefits and debits in the early twenty-first century. Capitalism and Communism have both been put forth as the best models for modern enlightened societies. Each philosophy contains both desirable and undesirable elements within its framework. 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